August 23rd, 2024
Dear Stingray Parents and Guardians,
We are off to a great start to the school year! A huge shout out to the leaders of the PACT Board and the various PACT committees for their commitment and being so diligent in getting prepared for this school year. The PACT Parent Support sessions are for both new and veteran parents; please be a continuous learner:) and join as many as you can.
Drop off - The procedures for student drop off remain the same:
out of the car, be patient and wait your turn
lane, park on the street and walk your child in
The school parking lot and the district parking lot are for staff parking only, at all times.
The instructions from the adults on duty are non-negotiable; please be respectful of those assigned to
monitor safety and school procedures.
OLE’s (a.k.a. Field Trips) have a few changes this year. We will always ask for a district bus first and if one is not available we may use parent drivers. You will receive a form for every field trip, asking if you are willing or not to have your child be transported by a parent driver. You will need to indicate yes or no for each field trip, and remember that all children are able to go on every field trip no matter what your answer is to the parent driver question. If you do not wish your child to be transported by a parent driver, alternate transportation will be arranged.
We are very excited about the new playground activities and the students are enjoying the increased choices. All students were trained in the new activities during these first two weeks. When you come to volunteer, we will introduce you to the new activities too so you are able to support all students during morning or lunch recess.
And last but not least, Back to School Night for all parents is Wednesday, August 28th from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. and the PACT Committee Fair is right before that at 5:00 p.m. See you Wednesday!
Warm Regards,
Terri Lambert
Principal, Stevenson Elementary
2024-2025 MVWSD School Calendar
Wednesday, August 28th
-Minimum Day - 12:05pm
-Back to School Night @ 5:30pm-7:00pm
-Committee Fair 5-5:30pm
Monday, September 2nd
-No School - Labor day!
Thursday, September 5th or Sat. Sept 7
-Parent Support Session in MUR
2024-2025 Stevenson Bell Schedule
August 2024 Lunch Menu
School Year Calendar - plan your 24-25 vacation using the school vacation times!
Back to School Night - Minimum day- 12:05 p.m. dismissal
Wednesday, August 28th is Back to School Night! Join us at 5:30 p.m. in your child’s room to meet the teacher and hear information about the instructional and parent involvement components of the classroom. There is a repeat session at 6:20 p.m. for those of you that have more than one child.
Parent Support Sessions
The Parent Support Committee runs a 3-session course for all families, and especially new families, to engage with the school community and prepare for in-class volunteering. Sessions are 3 hours long and cover a wide variety of topics relevant to our school community, newly revamped to meet our changing needs. New families who plan to volunteer in the classroom should attend all 3 sessions, and returning families are requested to attend at least one session. All sessions are held in the Stevenson MUR, and refreshments will be provided.
Session 1: Thursday 9/5 8:30a-11:30a OR Saturday 9/7 9a-12p
Session 2: Thursday 9/12 8:30a-11:30a OR Saturday 9/14 9a-12p
Session 3: Thursday 10/3 8:30a-11:30a OR Saturday 10/5 9a-12p
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook
- Instagram - @stevenson__elementary
- Facebook - @StevensonElem
Reporting Absences
Please call the office at (650) 903-6950 or email Stevenson Attendance [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival. Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence.
The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Aug. 22 at 6 p.m.
Some of the topics include:
For meeting details and agenda, please click here: https://www.mvwsd.org/trustees.
MVWSD’s high financial rating saves taxpayers money on Measure T bond sale
MWVSD recently saved the community money in its capital bond sale due to its high financial rating and excellent financial stewardship. Of the 658 California school districts rated by S & P in 2023, the District was among only 26 ‘AAA’ rated districts (top 4%).
Each year, an outside independent auditor audits the district's controls and finances. At the end of each audit cycle, they provide a report to the Board of Trustees. For the past 10 years the district has received clean audits due to exemplary performance and transparency.
Our community has always been supportive of our efforts and we are happy to deliver excellent results. To read more, click here.
CAASPP scores are now available
CAASPP student (ELA, Math) score reports (from the Spring tests, current 4th- through 8th-graders) were recently released by the state and are now available for parents on the PowerSchool Parent Portal (under “Score Reports” - choose the 2023 - 24 school year). To learn more about how to understand your child’s CAASPP score report, go to the Starting Smarter website at https://www.ca.startingsmarter.org/. If you need assistance with logging on to the Powerschool Parent Portal, please contact your student’s school office.
Applying to be a school volunteer this year? Training and help sessions happen this month
We appreciate our parent volunteers! Please check your inbox (email dated Aug. 5) for important information about mandated training and optional volunteer help sessions coming up in the next two weeks. For an overview of the process, please visit https://www.mvwsd.org/volunteers.
No MVWSD+ Afterschool Programs on Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Due to preparations for Elementary School Back to School Night and afterschool staff development, there will be no MVWSD+ Afterschool Programs on Wednesday, August 28 (a minimum day for students). MVWSD+ families, thank you in advance for making other arrangements. This affects all Right At School programs, all Beyond the Bell programs, and the district-paid YMCA programs. Please note that due to contractual reasons, parent-paid YMCA programs will still operate. All programs resume as normal on Thursday, August 29.
For more information, please contact [email protected] or call (650) 526-3500 x1061.
School meals are free, but fill out the EzSchool Meals application to help you and your school
MVWSD will continue to provide free meals this year to all students as part of California’s universal meal program.
However, parents need to reapply for the Free and Reduced Price Meals program now for this school year. If you think you could qualify (qualifying income levels listed here), we ask you to apply at EzSchool Meals to help MVWSD receive additional funding to support students who are in need, and may help your family. If your child is eligible for free and/or reduced-price meals, your family could get medical benefits, housing benefits, utilities benefits and more. Qualifying is one factor in your child’s eligibility for free MVWSD after school care and summer camp.
The more applications your school gathers at the start of each school year, the more additional funding it can receive for all kinds of programs. If you are currently out of work, you may qualify and help your school, regardless of your financial situation. Apply at https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ or call your school office.
Looking for an afterschool program? Read on to see if your child qualifies for MVWSD+!
A student qualifies for the free MVWSD+ afterschool program if one or both of the following conditions are true:
The student is an English Learner (EL). EL status is established via the results of the Initial ELPAC exam, which is being administered to certain students in August and September. Results are usually available within two weeks of the completion of testing. If you have questions about the Initial ELPAC exam, please contact Leticia Corcoran at [email protected].
The student qualifies for free or reduced price lunches based on federal income guidelines. At this time, lunch for all children is free, but this may not always be the case. To fill out the application for free or reduced lunch, please go to ezmealapp.com. Qualifying students’ data is collected at the state level and usually appears in the district’s data system within two weeks. If you have questions, please contact your school office.
Soon after a student’s EL or Free/Reduced Lunch Status changes to indicate he/she qualifies for MVWSD+, you will receive an email from the MVWSD+ Team inviting your child to enroll.
For questions or troubleshooting, please reach out to [email protected] or Jennifer Nunez at (650) 526-3500 x1061.
Parent University: The Science of Reading, Part 1 of 2
Date and Time: September 10, 2024, 5:30-7:00 pm Registration Link: mvw.sd/pu091024r
Reading is fundamental. But how do we best teach children to do it? And how do we support them at home? In this two-part series, we will uncover the “Science of Reading”, how our new district curriculum is based on this science, and how parents can translate the science into practical routines and strategies at home.
About the speaker: Dr. Cyndee Nguyen is MVWSD’s Director of Early Literacy. She leads district efforts to ensure that all students, especially those of early elementary age, develop into capable and confident readers. Previously, Dr. Nguyen was a primary grade teacher and the principal of Bubb Elementary School.
To submit questions prior to the event, go to mvw.sd/questions. We will do our best to address your question during the session.
MVEF - Who we are and why we matter - Please donate!
The Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF) is a volunteer-driven non-profit dedicated to funding innovative programs for all students in the MVWSD district.
Thanks to your donations, MVEF provides your child with a competitive, well-rounded education. School funding covers salaries, facilities, and core academics, while MVEF funding enhances the learning environment with art, music, environmental science, middle school athletics, and additional English teachers, reducing class sizes by over 20% in middle school.
To maintain these programs, MVEF seeks donations from parents and community members. The suggested amount per student is $1,100, also payable as a recurring monthly payment, but every donation is meaningful. All donations are tax-deductible. Visit mvef.org for more information and to donate. Thank you for your support!
Living Classroom: MVWSD Volunteer Information Meetings
Living Classroom is a non-profit organization that provides hands-on, garden-based lessons to MVWSD students in TK through 6th Grade. We welcome parent volunteers to help with our lessons in their children's classrooms, but we are also seeking volunteer docents who would like to be trained to teach our lessons throughout the school district. If you are interested in becoming a Living Classroom docent, please attend one of our upcoming information meetings:
Thursday, August 29th, 2024, 9:15-10:15 am; or
Friday, August 30th, 2024, 1:00-2:00 pm
Both meetings will be held in Conference Room C, MVWSD Office, 1400 Montecito Avenue, Mountain View.
Please contact Susan Harder at [email protected] if you have questions or would like further information.
Committee Fair - August 28th, 2024

Information about Rocket Day from STEAM Committee
Only 19 days until Rocket Day 2024!
Scheduled for 5PM on Friday September 6th in the Stevenson grass field (first Friday following Labor Day).
If this is your first Rocket Day, you are in for a treat. Rocket Day is a super fun event for Stevenson families and alumni. Bring a picnic blanket or camp chair to the event and get to know our awesome Stingray community. We will have some food trucks and shaved ice at the event too!
What is Rocket Day?
Rocket Day is held in September, on the field in the back of the school. The rockets are launched using compressed air and are effectively a stomp rocket on steroids. There will be supplies at the event for making rockets, but it takes a little while so you are encouraged to make one at home beforehand so kids can start launching them right away (instructions below).
See photos from previous events.
Rocket Making Instructions
You can find a printer-friendly version (PDF) of the instructions below (with Spanish translations) available for download. Another rocket making guide is available here.
Parents could also help by going into their kids' classrooms in the weeks leading up to Rocket Day to read a rocket story or do a rocket-themed activity with the kids.
One great activity is to lead the kids through making a paper-towel tube rocket according to the instructions above.
Materials Information
Please Note:
If 3D printing, or making rockets at home, please ensure the diameter is 1-1/2" please. Some rockets were too narrow to launch last year.
Try not to make homemade rockets too long ;) They tend not to launch well or just explode on the launchers.
Creativity and personalization of rockets is highly encouraged!
The View Teen Center: Volunteer Fair
Teens interested in volunteering will have the opportunity to meet with local organizations to learn about volunteer opportunities and their services on Saturday, Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Mountain View Community Center (201 S. Rengstorff Avenue). This event is open to all ages. Stop by, get involved, and make a difference!
City of MV: Hazardous waste collection
Free household hazardous waste collection event coming to Mountain View on Saturday, August 24! Safely dispose of paint, batteries, electronics, auto fluids, used oil, garden chemicals, propane tanks, fluorescent and LED lightbulbs, aerosols and more. This event accepts unwanted or expired drugs from both people and pets to help keep homes safe for children, seniors, and animals.
Appointments are required; call 408-299-7300 or book your appointment online at HHW.org. To schedule online, click the blue “Make a Free Appointment” button then select Mountain View on the calendar for August 24. Upon appointment booking, you will receive the specific Mountain View drop-off location.
MV Public Library: Upcoming Parent Event
Parenting Program: Individualized Education Program: Thursday, September 5, 2024, Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm. Matthew Torres, an IDEA Specialist from the San Andreas Regional Center, will expertly guide parents through the IEP (Individualized Education Program) process. Gain insights to support and enhance your advocacy for your child. This program is perfect for parents new to the IEP process and seasoned advocates, offering practical tools and knowledge to navigate and champion your child's educational journey. Register in advance for this online meeting.
Announcing the MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series for 2024-25 (flyer attached to email on 8/19)
The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series is thrilled to unveil our speaker line-up for the 2024-25 school year! Local and nationally recognized experts will lead parents in conversations about wide-ranging topics, including navigating the evolving cultural landscape around sex, parenting in our high-achievement environment, exploring the difficulties of parenting boys in contemporary society, learning about a case study in racism at a local high school, and making informed decisions about higher education. View the 2024-25 speaker line-up at https://mvlaspeakerseries.org/.
City of Mountain View Teen Center
MVLA Speaker Series
Parents Individualized Education Plan
Parents Hidden High Spot the Difference
Living Classroom Docent Recruitment