12.14.23 Stingray News

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Dear Stingray Parents and Guardians,

     I am out ill this week and I apologize that the Principal’s Coffee was rescheduled on such short notice.  I also regret that I had to miss the wonderful Holiday Boutique! I have heard from many that it was a great success and as you already know, much appreciation is due to Alexis MacGregor and her team!  The music, sales tables, and the sense of community made this a very special event.

     There are two items of particular interest in the academic arena: iReady Diagnostic 2 growth results are available to parents and the California School Dashboard 2023 is released publicly on Friday, Dec. 15th. At the Principal’s Coffee on Wednesday, January 10th I will review the school-wide iReady Growth and explain the California Dashboard for Stevenson.

      Next week is the final week before the two-week break.  Please remember that attendance is important every week and keep your child coming every day!


Warm Regards,

Terri Lambert

Principal, Stevenson Elementary



2023-2024 Stevenson Bell Schedule

December 2023 Lunch Menu

School Year Calendar - plan your vacation using the school vacation times!


-Your Child's Latest iReady Results

-District Office Parking Lot is not Stevenson Drop-off and PIck-up

-Follow us now on Twitter and Instagram

-Reporting Absences and Tardies.  


Your Child's Latest iReady Results

Knowing students' strengths and areas for improvement is a great way for parents to support students at home. Parents can access their child’s i-Ready Diagnostic 2 reports beginning at 4 p.m. on Dec. 15 on the PowerSchool Parent Portal (https://ps.mvwsd.org/public/). Steps for accessing PowerSchool Parent Portal i-Ready Reports are here: https://www.mvwsd.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=418858&pageId=13218267#powerschool Learn more about how to read these helpful reports in the recording of the Parent U presentation, "Understanding your Child's Score Reports," available: English (https://vimeo.com/889703339) & Spanish (https://vimeo.com/889996575) And, as always, reach out to your child's teacher with questions!


District Office Parking Lot is not Stevenson Drop-off and PIck-up

Please be sure to let all who may drop off or pick up your child know that the District Office parking lot cannot be used by Stevenson families or personnel. Use only our drop off lane or street parking.  


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook

- Instagram - @stevenson__elementary

- Facebook - @StevensonElem


Reporting Absences

Please call the office at (650) 903-6950 or email Renae Rhodes at [email protected] and Kass Madrid at [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival.  Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence.



Arts Focus Needs All Hands on Deck!

Thank you to the over 85 volunteers who made Arts Focus a huge success in the first four weeks. There is one week to go!  We were so thrilled to hear such positive feedback both from parents and students. 

Due to the cold season, some of the Core members unfortunately cannot join at the last minute. If you have a free two hours on upcoming Thursdays, this is a great way to see what the program is like. If you’re not badged, you can use one of your three occasional volunteer allotments.

If you're new to Stevenson or if you've always wanted to try Arts Focus but haven't had the time, this is a great way to step in and volunteer for just a bit and see how you like it. You're also welcome if you've done it before and just miss us!

Please sign up here: Arts Focus Needs You!

For any questions or comments, you can always reach Nagehan ([email protected]) or Rimma ([email protected])


2023-2024 MVWSD School Calendar  


Monday, December 18th

-DELAC Meeting @ 5:30 pm - Zoom link

-ST SSC Meeting @ 5:30 pm - Zoom link

Monday, December 25th- Monday, January 8th

-NO SCHOOL - Winter Break

Tuesday, January 9th

-School back in session!

Wednesday January 10th

-Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m. - Zoom link

Thursday, January 11th

-Information Night @ 6:30 pm - Zoom link




Open Enrollment for 2024-25 starts in January

In January, the Mountain View Whisman School District will be opening student enrollment for next fall.

For CURRENT students in transitional kindergarten-7th grade: Parents will be asked by email to confirm enrollment from January 22 to February 9.

For families enrolling NEW students: Please check www.mvwsd.org/register for details about virtual school information meetings held in January (http://mvw.sd/meetings), how to locate your neighborhood school, how to explore school options and the four steps to register during the enrollment period held January 22 to February 9.


MVEF Update: Save us a Call
The amount donated to MVEF so far this year is slightly less than in previous years. MVEF volunteers will soon be reaching out directly to inform our community about the need for donations each year. You can save us a call by donating today! Visit mvef.org/donate today!

This year, community donations to MVEF are providing:

  • More than 8,500 Art4Schools lessons in 130 TK-5th Grade classrooms.

  • Over 17,000 Music4Schools lessons in 170 TK-5th Grade Classrooms. 

  • Over 500 Living Classroom lessons for all students in TK-6th grade.

  • Environmental Science lessons and field trips for all 4th and 5th graders.

  • Additional English Language Arts teachers to reduce the average class size in grades 6-8.

  • Supplemental funding for Performing Arts, Music, and Athletics Teams in grades 6-8.

When we achieve our fundraising goals, we can do even more for our students!


December CAC and LCC Events

SELPA 1 CAC and the Learning Challenge Committee are your groups for special education and broader learning challenge needs. If you have questions about learning challenges and special education needs, email [email protected] or check out www.selpa1cac.org

We encourage families to learn about the sensory needs all children: Try a Sensory Diet

Parent Chat

December 12, 10 am

Are you concerned about the emotional well-being of your child?  Peer to peer support for parents of teens with mental health challenges. Every second Tuesday of the month at 10 am on Google Meet. Meeting is for 1 hour only due to Google Meet limitations. Contact [email protected] for invite.

What’s in an IEP? Advocating for your child

Presented by Gabriela Torres, Managing Attorney and Leah Kang, Senior Attorney

Fri, Jan 19, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm , Register to get your Zoom link

Join Palo Alto CAC and Disability Rights California virtually to learn what is Specially Designed Instruction and how the use of Supplementary Aids and Services can help children with disabilities achieve their education satisfactorily in the general educational environment according to LRE provision of IDEA. Flyer Questions? [email protected]


The View Teen Center: December

The View Teen Center is a free facility in Mountain View (263 Escuela Ave) for all Mountain View and Los Altos 6th - 12th grade students. Drop-in hours are Monday - Friday, 3:15 - 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 1 - 6 p.m. (on no school days or minimum days, The View Teen Center is open 1-6 p.m.), and the center features a game room, makerspace, kitchen, computer/study room, outdoor area, and much more! See attached flyer for details about upcoming events and programs in December or visit their webpage for more information.


MV Public Library: Parenting Program

Join the MV Public Library for a book club discussion of Never Enough by Jennifer Wallace on Wednesday, January 17 on Zoom from 12:00pm - 1:00pm or in person from 7:30pm - 8:30pm. Read the book or listen to interviews with the author. Then join either meeting to discuss the effects of achievement culture on youth and ways to help teens feel that they matter and are valued. Registration is required

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