If your child is absent (for a reason other than COVID), please call the Stevenson Voice Mail Absentee Hotline, (650) 903-6950, then press #2. You may call this number 24 hours a day. Make sure you leave student's name and a brief reason for absence (fever, sore throat, stomach ache, etc.) so our school nurse can monitor health conditions.
Location 750 San Pierre Way, Mountain View, CA 94043
(If you visit Stevenson, do not park in any adjacent parking lot; these lots are for MVWSD use only. You may be cited, and your vehicle may be towed away.)
Phone: (650) 903-6950
Fax: (650) 903-6951
Additional contacts for enrollment and learn more about Stevenson Elementary School:
[email protected]
To stay current about outreach activities and to learn more about the school, follow us on Facebook.
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