
Like other schools in the district, Stevenson Elementary receives art and music through the district contract with the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA), which is made possible by the funding provided by the Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF). Classes are integrated into the weekly schedule as arranged by teachers.

MVEF funded music through CSMA

Kinder - 2nd Grade: weekly music lessons, totaling 11 hours of music instruction. Early focus is on melody, rhythm and harmony as well as playing simple instruments and creative movement.

3rd - 4th Grade: weekly music lessons, totaling 16.5 hours of music instruction. Fourth graders begin learning an instrument with instruction on playing the recorder, helping them to learn to read music and preparing them for the band or strings program in 5th grade.

5th Grade: weekly music lessons, totaling 33 hours of musical instruction in child's instrument of choice, either strings or band instruments. Students learn to read music and play in an ensemble.

More information CSMA music instruction can be found on the CSMA Music4Schools website.

Music in Action Program: 3rd through 5th graders attend periodic performances by professional musicians on site at Stevenson. Performances promote cultural diversity, musical history and geography.

After School Music

Second through fifth graders have the option of joining the CSMA chorus class which is held on Thursdays after school. Students participate in two concerts: a holiday concert and a year-end concert that brings together the choruses from all of the elementary schools. This program is supported through funding from the PACT Foundation.

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