
Following the PACT Philosophy, Stevenson teachers plan a curriculum that meets and exceeds district and state requirements, including preparation for state-mandated tests. Teachers work closely with parent volunteers to plan various co-curricular activities and integrate them into the core curriculum and classroom projects.

What is Progressive Education?

The progressive education movement grew from an educational reform movement at the beginning of the 20th century, where new educational philosophers began to argue the goal of education should be more than achievement of baseline level of information. Instead, as educational reformer and philosopher John Dewey wrote, education should be seen not as much a "preparation for life, but life itself."Furthermore, Dewey argued that education should be active and interactive and that the method of education must fit the learner; he saw education as less of "an affair of 'telling' and being told, but an active and constructing process."Today, these elements are still evident in the modern progressive education movement.

At Stevenson, progressive education means...

More on PACT Progressive Ed


Arts Focus - Uniquely PACT

Founded in Stevenson's second year, Arts Focus continues the school's focus on developing social relationships in a project-based learning environment. During Arts Focus sessions, students build relationships across age and social groups and learn the skills and habits of creative work.

Teachers and parents partner to present 15 classes that run for six, four-hour sessions on Thursdays twice a year. The classes incorporate hands-on study with a formal curriculum designed and presented by parents. Regular classes are dispersed and re-assembled, so that each course has an even number of students from each grade level. Volunteer parents partner with teachers to run each class. Each Arts Focus session concludes with a public exhibition at City Hall of student work from each class.

The enhanced arts curriculum is designed to...

More about Arts Focus


Project Based Learning at Stevenson

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a way for students to investigate a complex problem or question through integrated curriculum. The outcome of these multi-week projects will be a product that has gone through multiple revisions and is presented to an authentic audience.

Since inception, Stevenson has embraced principles of PBL, and has integrated elements of PBL in teaching practice. A multi-year initiative was launched in 2013 to formalize PBL as a core part of our curriculum and to undertake extensive professional development for our teachers in this teaching practice.

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