The school relies on the generous donations of the Stevenson Elementary community to support the activities of Stevenson's progressive education
program. The PACT Foundation has a philosophy of minimizing the
number of fundraising requests that are made of parents, preferring to
ask parents for a one-time annual, tax-deductible gift. The
PACT Foundation strives for 100% participation from families. The
suggested donation is a $400 tax-deductible donation per child.
Donations at every level are appreciated and families are asked to give
in a way that is comfortable to them. All donations have an immediate
and tangible impact on all students in the school.
Donations to the PACT Foundation support:
- All back-to-school and classroom supplies for education
- Project-based Learning and other hands-on learning projects
- Off-site Learning Experiences (OLEs) and on-site visits from experts to enhance the learning experience
- Enrichment activities such as Arts Focus, garden, cooking, etc.
- School committees such as Parent Education, STEAM, Walkathon, PACT Pals, etc.
- School library
- Responsive Classroom and other social emotional learning programs such as Project Cornerstone
- Professional development for teachers, and other school curriculum support
In addition, the PACT Foundation makes every effort to cover the
"incidental costs" that parents may incur during the course of the year.
For these reasons, we ask for an annual, tax-deductible donation from
every family. Our collective effort ensures that our school and teachers
have what they need to provide a rigorous, hands-on education.
Corporate Matching:
The PACT Foundation usually qualifies for corporate matching.
Matching gifts are a great way to often double or possibly even triple
your own gift to the school. For a partial list of companies that offer
matching, go to: Matching Link