10.5.23 Stingray News

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Dear Stingray Parents and Guardians,

October is Safety Month in MVWSD. As you read in Dr. Rudolph’s letter, we want to be ready to act when dangerous situations arise. 

As you know, we had a Shelter in Place event this week at Stevenson, Theuerkauf, Crittenden, and the District Office. The students and staff handled it well and we appreciated the flexibility and patience of the parents that were here already volunteering.   Please remember in an emergency you will receive communications from the district office.  Do not call the school office (or district office) as we are busy handling the incident operations here. Wait for communications that will detail any procedure changes. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this.

We have already practiced fire drills and soon will practice an earthquake drill and how to react to a dangerous intruder.

This week and next, our principals, teachers and staff members will be training on the Incident Command System (ICS) and general emergency procedures. The ICS assigns roles to school staff members so that even scary situations can have well-organized responses.  

Earthquake drill: After training, we’ll practice what to do during the districtwide earthquake drill to be held on Oct. 19. Click here to view the video that shows how we approach safety and what an earthquake drill looks like.

We talk with students in age-appropriate ways about what they can expect and why we practice emergency responses.  For elementary students we say the most important things to remember if an earthquake happens at school are duck, cover and hold if they feel the ground shake.  When it stops, go outside to the field. Stay calm with kid voices off so we can follow adult instructions.  In an emergency, we will keep them safe at school until their grown ups can pick them up.

Dangerous intruder: Our schools will review what to do in the event of a dangerous intruder or similar event on campus. The dates for each school’s practice will vary depending on scheduling. 

Practice at the elementary schools means students will view an age-appropropriate “dangerous intruder” video (which you may preview here) and talk with their teacher. The video and classroom discussion will encourage children to stay calm, follow directions, and listen to trusted adults. 

Middle school dangerous intruder practice involves multiple agencies and will be done when we complete the upgrade of our door lock system. I will give you more information closer to our practice date.

For more details about safety at school, please see https://www.mvwsd.org/safety.


Best Regards,

Terri Lambert

Principal, Stevenson Elementary



2023-2024 Stevenson Bell Schedule

October 2023 Lunch Menu

School Year Calendar - plan your vacation using the school vacation times!


-No school - Thursday, October 12th & Friday, October 13th

-Follow us now on Twitter and Instagram

-Reporting Absences and Tardies


No school - Thursday, October 12th & Friday, October 13th

Friendly reminder, no school for students on Thursday, October 12th and Friday, October 13th. Enjoy the 4-day weekend!


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook

- Instagram - @stevenson__elementary

- Facebook - @StevensonElem


Reporting Absences

Please call the office at (650) 903-6950 or email Renae Rhodes at [email protected] and Kass Madrid at [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival.  Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence.



Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat is around the corner. Save the date for this awesome Stevenson Social event. October 27th, Friday, 6pm - 8pm. Be on the lookout for Trunk sign-ups, if you are interested in hosting a trunk and requests for candy donations. 


Walkathon Committee Updates

REGISTER your child on 99Pledges to fundraise for Walkathon!

As of October 1, we have $4,585 and 39% school participation in 99Pledges. 

Sign up to volunteer day-of and/or bake something for the bakesale on the Walkathon Website!

The PACT Foundation will host the 2023 Walkathon on Friday, October 20th, from 1:45pm-6pm.  This event is our school’s largest fundraiser and helps pay for OLE bus trips, Arts Focus programming, classroom supplies, school-wide events, campus enhancement, and enrichment activities to name a few. Our goal this year is to raise $55,000 plus an additional $5,000 in corporate donations.

Please plan to bring your whole family to join the fun and cheer on the students.

Walkathon Raffle

Thank you to all who donated items so far! We're doing a last call to our amazing community for support and would greatly appreciate it if our families could consider contributing raffle prizes. If you know of any potential leads or donations, please don't hesitate to reach out to Chantra Park or Evangeline Chung directly. Your assistance is sincerely appreciated. 



2023-2024 MVWSD School Calendar  


Thursday, October 5th

-Board of Trustees Meeting @ 6pm - Zoom Link

Friday, October 6th

-Community Check-in @ 3:30pm - Register here

Tuesday, October 10th

-PACT Foundation @ 5:30pm 

Wednesday, October 11th

-Parent Seminario @ 6pm - Zoom Link

Thursday,October 12th & Friday, October 13th

-No School!

Monday, October 16th

-DELAC Meeting - Zoom Link

Wednesday October 18th

-Parent University Seminario - Zoom link




The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 6:00 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

  • Planning for a Possible Parcel Tax Renewal

  • Update on Measure T Summer Work 

  • Enrollment and Staffing Update

For meeting details and agenda, please click here: https://www.mvwsd.org/trustees.  


Superintendent's Community Check In on Friday, Oct. 6

Please join us for our Community Check-In with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph on Friday, Oct. 6 at 3:30 p.m. Bring your questions. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Click here to register: http://mvw.sd/CC106.  Mark your calendars for all upcoming community check-ins! A list of dates and login information is here.


Parent University Speaker Series Presents

Parenting in the Digital Era - Supporting Dialogue and Strategies for Building Healthy Tech Habits

Date and Time: October 24, 2023, 5:30-7:00 pm  Registration Link: mvw.sd/pu102423

One of our favorite nonprofit organizations is back! The staff of My Digital TAT2 will be delivering a workshop that will empower parents with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of raising tech-savvy, digitally responsible children. We will address common tech issues such as digital “perfection”, misinformation, and things you might not know about popular apps and platforms.

Parents will gain crucial strategies that will support open dialogue and cultivate healthy tech habits among all family members.

To submit questions prior to the event, go to mvw.sd/questions. We will do our best to address your questions during the session.


Protect your family: Dangers of illegally-made synthetic drugs

It's important that you and your children know the dangers of illegally-made synthetic drugs. Synthetic drugs created in illegal labs, like Fentanyl, have ingredients that are impossible to know, and carry a high risk of overdose and death. Some are tasteless and odorless—even small amounts can cause an overdose. ANY pill bought through social media or even from a friend can contain deadly amounts of fentanyl. Learn more at http://mvw.sd/drugs

BOC & PTOC Seeking Representatives

The District is seeking qualified persons to serve on the Bond Oversight Committee and the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee. Representatives monitor, provide oversight and ensure accountability to the funds received by the District.

Apply at the links below.

BOC: https://ow.ly/HhgA50PQqEs

PTOC: http://mvw.sd/PTOC

Applications can be returned to the district office by mail or emailed to [email protected].


MVEF Community Survey

MVEF is seeking input from the community via the annual online survey, which will be open throughout October: http://bit.ly/MVEF-Survey

As a community-funded foundation where over 70% of donations come from families, your input is a very important part of the planning process for future MVEF-funded programs. If donations to MVEF approach the annual goal of $1.2MM by December 31, 2023, MVEF may be able to add additional programs in 2024.

MVEF has raised just shy of $400,000 -- donate today if you haven't already: https://www.mvef.org/donate. THANK YOU MVEF donors and volunteers!


October CAC and LCC Events

SELPA 1 CAC  and the Learning Challenge Committee are your groups for special education and broader learning challenge needs. If you have questions about learning challenges and special education needs, email [email protected] or check out www.selpa1cac.org

The Learning Challenges Committee is looking for members!

Are you interested in helping students with learning challenges? This can include students who receive special education services, students with a 504 plan, or any student with a learning challenge.

The Learning Challenges Committee of the Los Altos Mountain View PTA Council (LCC) helps provide teachers and school staff in Mountain View and Los Altos schools with supplies in their classrooms related to learning challenges. We need a variety of parent and student voices to help us best decide how we can help teachers and students about these issues. 

Can you attend 2-3 meetings per year to help make these kinds of decisions with the LCC? Please email [email protected]. We need more voices to help students with learning challenges. We need you!

We encourage families to learn about the sensory needs all children: Try a Sensory Diet

Parent Chat

October 10, 10 am

Are you concerned about the emotional well-being of your child?  Peer to peer support for parents of teens with mental health challenges. Every second Tuesday of the month at 10 am on Google Meet. Meeting is for 1 hour only due to Google Meet limitations. Contact [email protected] for invite.

October 11, 7 pm Evening Let’s Talk  - IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIodOmhrz8tHNVYUGYMCIHeDa2lL43M-Puz


Missed our Parent Education events last year?

We have a YouTube channel with many of our past events including last year’s Inclusive Fun Fair for summer camps and recreational activities, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Learning Challenges, SMART Goals and IEP Troubleshooting, and more. Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuy7IcVz-4LTDxv2Jaq13nw


MVLA Speaker Series: Julie Lythcott-Haims - How to Raise An Adult

Join MVLA Parent Ed on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7pm (MVHS- Spartan Theater) for Julie Lythcott-Haims’ presentation of “How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap.” In this widely acclaimed talk, Julie draws on her insights as the former dean of freshmen at Stanford as well as her deeply personal journey as a parent to highlight the ways in which overparenting undermines skill development and positive mental health and wellbeing in our children. Listen as she offers practical strategies that allow children to make their own mistakes and develop the resilience, resourcefulness, and inner determination necessary to become healthy, thriving adults. Register for this free event here.


Celebrate Shoreline: Oct. 15th

The City is hosting Celebrate Shoreline, a free event for the community to celebrate Shoreline ’s 40th anniversary. The family-friendly event is taking place 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15 at Shoreline at Mountain View regional park, 3070 N. Shoreline Blvd. The event will feature live music, self-guided tours, carnival games, food, and more! Visit MountainView.gov/CelebrateShoreline for more information.


City of MV Monster Bash

On Saturday, October 28, 2023, Mountain View’s Rengstorff Park will transform into a ghoulish good time for all ages with the return of Monster Bash. From 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., community members are encouraged to don their favorite costumes and enjoy a fall festival loaded with a treat trail, spooky games, enchanting performances, a stilt walker, inflatables, creepy, crawly, ooey gooey zone, Dia de Muertos celebration and more. This event is free and open to the public. Visit MountainView.gov/MonsterBash for more information.


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