Dear Stingray Parents and Guardians,
It’s Trunk or Treat Day tomorrow! Costumes of course are welcome at the Trunk or Treat event, however this is not the day to wear a costume during the school day. Costumes are permitted on Halloween Day only during the school day (your child will be asked to remove their costume if they wear it on any other day). Costumes must not include pretend weapons, gory/scary masks, etc., must not be a distraction to the learning in the classroom, and must not pose a safety hazard to your child when they are playing at recess.
Thank you to Alexis MacGregor, the organizer for Trunk or Treat and to her team of volunteers! I am looking forward to seeing this event that I have heard such good things about.
November is almost here and with it comes the focus on our next core values of Respect (Stevenson) and Empathy (district-wide). In November we are also participating in United Against Hate Week Nov. 13-17. Our essential question is “How can we respect each other’s differences?”. The ImPACT committee is helping to plan the grade level activities for that week - stay tuned for more details!
And last but certainly not least, thank you to all of the volunteers, led by Nhung LIu and Edena Lin, for the fantastic Walkathon event last Friday. Please gather as many additional pledges as you can before Nov. 3rd to support activities for all Stevenson students.
Warm Regards,
Terri Lambert
Principal, Stevenson Elementary
2023-2024 Stevenson Bell Schedule
October 2023 Lunch Menu
School Year Calendar - plan your vacation using the school vacation times!
-Safety Month - Disaster supply kits
-End of Trimester & Minimum Day - Friday, November 3rd
-Retake Picture Day - Tuesday, November 7th
-Follow us now on Twitter and Instagram
-Reporting Absences and Tardies
Safety Month - Disaster supply kits
October is Safety Month in MVWSD. We have supplies for emergencies at school. Do you have them at home? Now is the time to prepare your home disaster supply kit. An earthquake could mean being without food, water or electricity for hours or days. A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items, including your own food, water and other supplies, to last for several days that you’ll need in the event of an emergency. This is the week for your family to create or update your home kit. Here’s what should be in it.
End of Trimester & Minimum Day - Friday, November 3rd
Friday, November 3rd is the end of the trimester and minimum day! All students will be released at 12:05pm.
Retake Picture Day - Tuesday, November 7th

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook
- Instagram - @stevenson__elementary
- Facebook - @StevensonElem
Reporting Absences
Please call the office at (650) 903-6950 or email Renae Rhodes at [email protected] and Kass Madrid at [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival. Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence.
Trunk or Treat is this Friday, 6 pm to 8pm!

Everyone is welcome - come enjoy as you trick or treat up and down the parking lot. There will be food - we will have the MUR open for seating.
We still have a few spots available (about 5) to be a trunk host - if you are interested, fill out this form.
For any candy donations, please drop them off at the front office and it is greatly appreciated.
We are looking for some hands-on help for the event - if you are interested in helping out, with maybe being a candy runner, please let us know!
Walkathon Fundraiser is still going on. 99pledges closes on Friday November 3rd, 2023.

Last Friday, Walkathon 2023 was a huge success. We hope everyone had as much fun as we did. The field was packed until the very end. Right now the WAT committee is busy with our post production effort, counting and recording laps walked.
If your students didn't turn in their lapcards, please bring them back to school and drop them off in the big ORANGE box outside the front office. We will return all student's lapcards in each classroom's communication box once counting is completed. We need this information to determine the classroom trophy winners.
As of October 22nd, we are at 67% of our fundraising goal, $37,053. Can you help us get to $55,000 + $5,000 in corporate donations?
Please REGISTER your child on 99Pledges to fundraise for Walkathon if you haven't done so. There are 12 more days to go.
This event is our school’s largest fundraiser and helps pay for OLEs, Arts Focus programs, classroom supplies, school-wide events, campus enhancement, and enrichment activities to name a few.
Thank you, Stingray Families.
2023-2024 MVWSD School Calendar
Thursday, October 26th
-Cafecito @ 5pm - Register here
-ImPACT Training in RM 7 @ 8pm
Friday, October 27th
-Trunk or Treat @ 6pm
Wednesday, November 1st
-Parent University Seminario @ 6pm - Zoom Link
Thursday, November 2nd
-Board of Trustee Meeting @ 6pm - Zoom link
Friday, November 3rd
-End of Trimester - Minimum Day 12:05pm!
Monday, November 6th
-DELAC Meeting @ 5:30pm - Zoom Link
Tuesday, November 7th
-Retake Picture day!
-Book Club in Library @ 6:30pm
Friday, November 10th
-No School - Veterans Day
Cafecito con el Superintendente on Thursday, October 26 at 5 pm
This is an informal meeting for Spanish-speaking parents with Dr. Rudolph. Please bring your questions! Translation will be provided. Please register in advance for this meeting by clicking here: http://mvw.sd/1026
Drafts available: Single Plans for Student Achievement
Each year, our schools create Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs or “site plans”) that guide the work for the coming year. These plans help us prioritize programs and strategies that will best serve our students. In the fall, elected parent representatives from School Site Councils and English Language Advisory Committees work with principals and school staff members to create a draft that is reviewed and approved by the MVWSD Board of Trustees. Parents and staff members may give feedback through Oct. 26 to their principal and elected parent representatives to SSC and ELAC. You may review the draft plans here.
MVEF Community Survey
MVEF is seeking input from the community via the annual online survey, which will be open throughout October: http://bit.ly/MVEF-Survey
As a community-funded foundation where over 70% of donations come from families, your input is a very important part of the planning process for future MVEF-funded programs. If donations to MVEF approach the annual goal of $1.2MM by December 31, 2023, MVEF may be able to add additional programs in 2024.
MVEF has raised just shy of $400,000 -- donate today if you haven't already: https://www.mvef.org/donate. THANK YOU MVEF donors and volunteers!
CHAC Community Survey
CHAC is conducting a community survey to gather feedback from residents of Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Sunnyvale to gather insights on how they can improve their Clinic Services to better meet the needs of the community. It only takes a few minutes to complete the survey. Please complete survey by October 31st: https://form.jotform.com/232297704499065
MVLA Parent Ed: This Is So Awkward - A Conversation About How Puberty Has Changed
Join MVLA Parent Ed on Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm (LAHS Eagle Theater) for Dr. Cara Natterson and Vanessa Kroll Bennet’s presentation of “This Is So Awkward - A Conversation About How Puberty Has Changed.” Learn about the modern realities of puberty you didn’t experience in your own youth but nonetheless need to understand, covering everything from body development to gender identities, from social media to easy-access pornography. Register for this free event here.
Silicon Valley Reads: A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today
Silicon Valley Reads, a community engagement program that celebrates the power of books to bring people together, has announced the theme for 2024 will be, “A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today.” The program will focus on environmental sustainability, with a selection of books and events that explore the challenges and opportunities of creating a more sustainable future, not only in Santa Clara County but worldwide. Throughout February and March 2024, Silicon Valley Reads will offer a diverse range of free virtual and in-person public programs suitable for all ages. To view 2024’s featured books for adults and children, visit https://www.siliconvalleyreads.org/.
City of MV: Día de Muertos
Join the City of Mountain View in celebrating Día de Muertos during the City’s Monster Bash on October 28th and view the iconic skeleton figurines, brightly colored flowers and decorative items that often don traditional ofrendas. The public is invited to the cultural exhibit to learn about the holiday’s meaning and traditions. The event will run from 10am-2:30pm at Redwood Hall at the Mountain View Community Center.
City of MV: Bike to Monster Bash
Join the Family Bike Ride to the Bike Circus at the City’s Monster Bash on October 28th! Wear a costume and decorate your helmet for a one-mile adventure for all ages. Starts at the Mountain View Library at 10:15 a.m. and ends at Rengstorff Park. Visit the Bike Circus safety training obstacle course at Monster Bash, and receive free bike repairs from BikeMobile! Bike valet parking available. For more information visit www.mountainview.gov/monsterbash.