9.8.23 Stingray News

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Dear Stingray Parents and Guardians,


Please join in the fun this evening with other Stevenson families at Rocket Day between 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.! Whether as a spectator or a participant, it’s going to be a blast! There will be lots of great food available for purchase as well. Thank you to the STEAM committee for organizing this annual Stevenson event.

On a different note, Monday, September 11th, 2023 marks the 22 year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93 which crashed in suburban Pennsylvania. Patriot Day serves as a remembrance of the lives lost on that September morning.  

As a school we will be observing a moment of reflection that morning and the teachers will be following up with a class activity appropriate for their grade level.

Below is the script that I will be using for the school intercom announcement to begin the moment of reflection if you would like to also discuss this with your child at home. 

Hope to see you tonight!


Best Regards,

Terri Lambert

Principal, Stevenson Elementary



2023-2024 Stevenson Bell Schedule

September 2023 Lunch Menu

School Year Calendar - plan your vacation using the school vacation times!


-Sept. 11 School Activity

-Picture Day - Tuesday, September 26th

-Volunteer Process Chart

-Student Leadership

-Follow us now on Twitter and Instagram

-Reporting Absences and Tardies


Sept. 11 School Activity

School Intercom Announcement Script for your family discussions:

This week marks the anniversary of 9/11. 

Twenty-two years ago today, our country suffered a terrible tragedy. None of you were born on September 11th, 2001, but your parents and teachers will always remember the day that innocent people lost their lives on an airplane, at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, and on the streets of New York City. That day, civil servants, firefighters, police officers, and military personnel dedicated and lost their lives protecting our safety, our freedom and our democracy. There are thousands of families and friends who continue to grieve their loss.

Out of the sadness that often comes with remembering one of the most difficult events in American History, we will take a moment today to reflect on what it means to commemorate: To remember something. However, remembering an event is only a small part of what it means to commemorate. To honor a memory of a tragic event, we must also practice bravery and compassion for others --other important parts of our memory that are linked to the events of 9/11. 

In a moment, we will sit or stand in silence all together as a school. During this moment when we are all quiet, let’s think about how we can do one of the following:

  1. Be kind to someone today. On 9/11, people who didn’t even know one another reached out to pass along kindness and compassion.

  2. Offer a helping hand. Thousands of firefighters, police officers, and even ordinary people risked their lives for others.

  3. Get to know someone you don’t already know. Our school is made up of people who look differently than you and may think differently from you. This makes our school a better place. Our differences are our strengths.

Which of those three things will you try today? Let’s think about that during this moment of reflection that starts now. 

[Moment of Silence/Reflection - at least 1 minute] 

Thank you for participating in the commemoration of the events of 9/11. Have a wonderful day.


Picture Day - Tuesday, September 26th

Picture day is approaching! Please use the information below to purchase pictures before picture day on lifetouch.com.

School Name: Stevenson Elementary School

Picture Day Date: Tuesday, September 26

Picture Day ID: EVTC7NM79


Volunteer Process Chart

Please see this one-page chart of the volunteer process. Kindly note that this may be a lengthy process so please get started as soon as possible if you haven't already done so.


Student Leadership

Student Leadership for this school year is starting soon! If your fourth or fifth grade student is interested in participating, they can pick up an application from Room 7 or Room 8. Applications were available starting Wednesday and are due on Friday, September 8th. Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 11th during lunch! 


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook

- Instagram - @stevenson__elementary

- Facebook - @StevensonElem


Reporting Absences

Please call the office at (650) 903-6950 or email Renae Rhodes at [email protected] and Kass Madrid at [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival.  Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence.



Rocket Day -  Friday, September 8th between 5 pm - 7.30 pm in the Stevenson grass field.

Less than a week to Rocket Day! Bring a picnic blanket and get ready to have a blast!

What is Rocket Day?

Rocket Day is a school-wide super fun social event for Stevenson families and alumni where student-made air-powered rockets are launched while families socialize nearby. You can see pictures from the previous year’s event here.

If this is your first Rocket Day, you are in for a treat. Bring a picnic blanket or camp chair and a picnic dinner to the event and get to know our awesome Stingray community. We have some awesome food trucks lined up as well.

How do I build a rocket?

The rockets are launched using compressed air and are effectively a stomp rocket on steroids. There will be some supplies (and volunteers) at the event for help with making and fixing rockets but it takes a little while so you are encouraged to make one at home beforehand so kids can start launching them right away.  

What you need (per child):

1 x Rocket Tube (can also use paper towel tubes if you have them at home)

1 x Roll Duct Tape

1 x Egg for nose cone (can be replaced by index card and duct tape)

2 x Index cards for fin

Some ribbon for decoration

You can find instructions (with Spanish translations) online here. You can also find some additional Rocket Day related activities here.

Isn't this during dinner time?

Yes, and you have options! We have the following food trucks lined up.

-       Tacos from  https://simplysabor.com/ (Stevenson Family Business)

-       Pizzas and Boba from www.sidehustleeats.com (Stevenson Family Business)

-       Shaved Ice from https://www.kona-ice.com/

We will also have a Self-made ice cream station from Cub Scout Pack 84!

You are also welcome to bring your own food. Picnic blankets and lawn chairs are highly recommended so you can have a comfortable place to enjoy your dinner and view the rockets whizzing by.

How can I help? Volunteers Needed

We are looking for some parent volunteers on the day of the event to help with Setup, Tidy-up, DJing, Rocket Safety, and Rocket Making. If any of these sound like something you can help with, please fill the google sheet below:


See you on Rocket Day!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of Rocket Day?

To have fun and get to know our Stevenson community.

Do we need to make our rocket before the event?

It takes a little while so you are encouraged to make one at home beforehand so kids can start launching them right away.

Can we decorate our Rockets?

Yes! The more unique the better. Just remember it still has to be light enough to fly.

Do we need to bring anything specific for Rocket Day?

Rocket day, September 9th has temperatures reaching up to 90 F. Please plan to bring caps and sufficient water!

Please reach out to us on Konstella if you have any further questions.

-STEAM Committee



2023-2024 MVWSD School Calendar  


Friday, September 8th 

-Community Check-In @ 3:30pm - Register here

-Rocket Day @ 5pm

Saturday, September 9th

-Parent Ed Session 1 @ 9:00am in MUR

Monday, September 11th

-English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting @ 4:30pm - Zoom link

Tuesday, September 12th

-PACT Foundation Meeting @ 5:30pm 

Thursday, September 14th

-Parent Ed Session 2 @ 8:30am in MUR

Saturday, September 16th

-Parent Ed Session 2 @ 9:00am in MUR




The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Sept. 7 at 6:00 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

  • Resolution in Support of Hispanic Heritage Month 

  • Monta Loma Fence Choice

  • Discussion of Joint Meeting with MVLA, MVWSD, and the City of Mountain View 

  • Questions for the September 18, 2023 Joint Meeting for the Education Enhancement Reserve Joint Powers Authority (Shoreline)

  • Literacy Instruction and Dyslexia Support Plan

  • Early Literacy Update

For meeting details and agenda, please click here: https://www.mvwsd.org/trustees


Superintendent's Community Check In on Friday, Sept. 8

Please join us for our Community Check-In with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph on Friday, Sept. 8 at 3:30 p.m. Bring your questions. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Click here to register: mvw.sd/CC0908.  Mark your calendars for all upcoming community check-ins! A list of dates and login information is here. 


September: Attendance Awareness Month

September is Attendance Awareness Month.

Why is it important that students are in school regularly? Research shows that school attendance is a strong indicator of success. Missing just two days of school a month is 10% of the school year, and negatively affects a student’s academic performance.

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Start building this habit early so they learn that going to school on time, every day, is important.

Our schools’ goals are a 97% attendance rate.


i-Ready Diagnostic 1 Assessment Scores

Families can access their student’s i-Ready Reading and Mathematics score through their Powerschool Parent Portal on September 8, 2023, after 4:00 p.m. Reports are available on the PowerSchool Parent Portal at https://ps.mvwsd.org/public/ under “Parent Reports” for each of your students. Steps for accessing reports on PowerSchool Parent Portal are here: Accessing PowerSchool Parent Portal i-Ready Reports. If you have difficulty logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please contact your school’s office.


Volunteer badges: New, easy-to-follow chart

If you think that you will be volunteering on campus more than 3 times this school year for more than 10 min each visit, or plan to be an overnight trip chaperone, now is the time to apply for your volunteer badge.  Please check the easy-to-follow chart here to help you get started. There are more steps to complete the first time you apply. After that, renewals are easier. Thank you for helping to protect our students' safety and to ensure MVWSD complies with state law. We are grateful for parents willing to help us at school!


MVWSD Seeks Parents & Staff Members for Health & Wellness Committee

The Health & Wellness Committee is looking for parents and staff members for the 2023-24 school year! This committee aligns District efforts to support student wellness through health education, physical education and activity, health services, nutrition services, psychological and counseling services, and through promoting a safe and healthy school environment. 

Last year, the committee’s work helped increase student access to nutrition information and education, professional development on USDA standards for school nutrition, and supported student opportunities for physical activity throughout the school day. We are seeking at least 1 parent and 1 certificated staff member representative from each school. 

If you have experience, knowledge, or interest, please complete an application at: http://mvw.sd/health. Applications are due by September 13.  

The Health and Wellness Committee will meet 4 times during the school year on Zoom, with the first meeting scheduled for September 28. 

If you have any questions, please contact Brian White, Health & Wellness Coordinator at [email protected].


Volunteer with MVEF!
MVEF needs 1-3 additional volunteers at each school in MVWSD. MVEF school representatives help the families at their school understand what MVEF is and why it exists so that they are inspired to donate and spread the word about the impact of MVEF funding. MVEF also needs volunteers to help with planning our annual Gala and other community events. To learn more, visit: https://www.mvef.org/volunteer


Mentor Tutor Connection: Volunteer Information Session

Mentor Tutor Connection is holding a Volunteer Information Session on Wed., Sept. 13, 12:00 - 1:00 pm, MVLA District Office Conference Room, 1299 Bryant Ave., Mountain View. Please join us and learn about becoming a mentor and/or a tutor in the Mountain View and Los Altos public schools. Help a local student to a brighter future! To register go to www.mentortutorconnection.org/events  - or email programs@mentortutorconnection.org.


August/September CAC and LCC Events

SELPA 1 CAC and the Learning Challenge Committee are your groups for special education and broader learning challenge needs. We are ALL having learning challenges right now, and CAC and LCC are here to help. If you have questions about learning challenges and special education needs, email [email protected] or check out www.selpa1cac.org

We encourage families to learn about the sensory needs all children: Try a Sensory Diet

General Parent/Community Meeting 

August 28, 9 am 

with Special Ed. Directors & Staff, Zoom at 9:00 am for LCC and 9:15  am for CAC. We will be planning for the year, discussing upcoming programs and having a question period for administrators. For our agenda, please join our Google group, https://groups.google.com/g/selpa1cac. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvd-qorDwsH9UXSPmOtja90uQqRnD9kef3

Parent Chat

September 12, 10 am

Are you concerned about the emotional well-being of your child?  Peer to peer support for parents of teens with mental health challenges. Every second Tuesday of the month at 10 am on Google Meet. Meeting is for 1 hour only due to Google Meet limitations. Contact [email protected] for invite.

September 13, 10 am Morning Let’s Talk  - IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModeirqToiHdQpAOpxx4g3NaLHuElaLtJs

Missed our Parent Education events last year?

We have a YouTube channel with many of our past events including last year’s Inclusive Fun Fair for summer camps and recreational activities, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Learning Challenges, SMART Goals and IEP Troubleshooting, and more. Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuy7IcVz-4LTDxv2Jaq13nw


The View Teen Center: September 

The View Teen Center is a free facility in Mountain View (263 Escuela Ave) for all Mountain View and Los Altos 6th - 12th grade students. Drop-in hours are Monday - Friday, 3:15 - 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 1 - 6 p.m., and the center features a game room, makerspace, kitchen, computer/study room, outdoor area, and much more! See attached flyer for details about upcoming events and programs in September or visit their webpage for more information.


MVLA Parent Ed presents “Growing Up in Public: Helping our Kids Navigate the Digital Coming of Age” 

Join MVLA Parent Ed on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 7pm (MVHS- Spartan Theater) as Devorah Heitner, Ph.D., and author of Growing Up in Public: Coming of Age in a Digital World, shows parents how to help tweens and teens navigate digital identity, boundaries, privacy and reputation. Drawing on her extensive research and interviews with kids, parents, educators, clinicians, and scholars, she teaches parents to overcome the instinct to control and monitor their kids’ online activity, and instead, support them as they build their sense of self. Register for this free event here.


MV Public Library Parenting Program: Sept. 27

The MV Public Library will host a parenting presentation, “The Best You for the Best Them,” on  Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm on Zoom. Research shows that teens' and parents' emotional well-being are highly entwined. With support from author and parenting coach, Laura Cleary, set aside time to acknowledge your need as a parent for selfcare, and receive concrete ideas and support to model this for your teen and uplift your relationship. Register here.

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