8.10.22 Stevenson Stingray News

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Dear Stingray Parents and Guardians,

We hope that your child had a fantastic first day of school! Our Stevenson staff was very excited to see students back on campus! 

During the beginning of the school year, Stingrays will again be focusing on becoming bucket fillers! Bucket-fillers are people who act in a way that fills another person's bucket, and refers to those who practice kindness and good behavior. Ms. Clem and I will be joining classrooms this week and next week to talk to students about bucket filling. 

We not only welcomed our newest Stingray students, but we also have new Stevenson Stingray Staff that we would like to welcome to our amazing learning community.

Matthew Chau - 3rd Grade Teacher

Frances Mueller - 4th Grade Teacher

Mary Schepman - 5th Grade Teacher

Kerry Scialabba - SPED Teacher

Kimberly Alvarado - Student Support Supervisor

COVID Safety

Just a reminder that indoor masks are required at school currently and while CDC data shows our community transmission level as “High." Please be sure to send your child to school in a well-fitting, high quality mask

MVWSD is providing at-home COVID-19 testing kits for free to families and staff members so that you may test before returning to campus after a school break. A box containing one test was sent home with each student on today/Wednesday so that you may test your student tonight.  Please see this letter for what to do after testing. Thank you for participating in this safety measure to help ensure all of our students and staff stay healthy. 

Please check this graphic for an overview of our COVID protocols.

First Week of School - Stevenson Bell Schedule

A friendly reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, August 11th is another minimum day. All students are dismissed at 12:05pm.

Friday is the first regular day schedule of the school year.

Stevenson Elementary Regular Schedule 


8:10 AM - 1:40 PM  

Grades 1 - 3 

8:10 AM - 2:45 PM 

Grades 4 - 5

8:10 AM - 2:50 PM 

2022-2023 Stevenson Bell Schedule


Ryan Santiago

Principal, Stevenson Elementary



School Announcements

-Instructional Coach Introduction - Ms. Clem

-Student Support Supervisor Introduction - Ms. Kim

-STEAM Teachers Introduction - Mr. A and Mrs. Lester

-Back to School Night (In-Person)

-i-Ready Diagnostics

-Principal’s Coffee

-Campus Access and Restrictions

-Student Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures

-Parking Lot and Traffic Safety

-Free School Meals

-Reporting Absences and Tardies

-Non-Returning Students

-No Parent/Guests on Campus

-After School Programs

Instructional Coach Introduction - Ms. Clem

Happy first day of school, Stingrays! My name is Amanda Clem and I am thrilled to support Stevenson this year as the Instructional Coach. A little about myself… I am from Southern California and have been in education for 16 years. I moved to this area 6 years ago when I was lucky enough to be offered a position at Stevenson. Over the years, I have taught 1st grade through 5th grade. Six of my 16 years were abroad in Germany at a dual language school. While in Germany, I team-taught (English/German) and loved it! I am looking forward to supporting classrooms this year and connecting and reconnecting with Stingray families! 

Student Support Supervisor Introduction - Ms. Kim

Hello families! I hope you have enjoyed your summer! My name is Kimberly Alvarado and I am extremely excited to be at Stevenson. I have been working closely with children for a few years now and plan to continue this journey. I love bonding with children and being a support system for them. Please stop by to say hello and introduce yourselves. 

STEAM Teachers Introduction - Mr. A and Mrs. Lester

Welcome students and families to the 2022-23 school year! We are excited to be your STEAM teachers again this year. Stan Adermann will be teaching Grades 2-5 and Theresa Lester will be teaching Kinder - Grade 2. We hope you had a great summer and were able to get outside, enjoy nature and spend time with loved ones. We look forward to seeing you on campus and hearing what you have been up to the last few months! 

Back To School Night (In-Person) - Thursday, August 25th at 6:00pm

Save the Date! We are excited to welcome and see our families at Back To School Night on Thursday, August 28th. There will be two sessions to accommodate families with multiple children and allow them the opportunity to visit more than one classroom. 

i-Ready Diagnostics

Next week, we will begin to provide i-Ready Diagnostic assessments to students in grades 1st-5th.  Kindergarten will start the assessments the week of August 23rd. Students will be taking the i-Ready Diagnostic assessment for ELA and Math at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. The data from these assessments gives our teachers and parents insight into each students’ academic progress. We look forward to working together to help each student grow. 

Principal’s Coffee

Here is the Video Recording and the Slides Presentation that was shared at yesterday’s beginning of the school year principal’s coffee. Principal Santiago shared important opening school information.

Campus Access and Restrictions

Parents will be allowed on campus before the start of the school day. When the school day starts at 8:10am, all parents are to leave the school campus immediately. Parents may return on campus after dismissal (end of school day).

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

Student Drop-off (7:55-8:10)

-Stevenson staff will be monitoring students on campus from 7:55-8:10am.

-Parents/Adults are allowed on campus before school. Parents and adults will need to leave campus immediately when the school day starts at 8:10am.

-Students that are on campus before 7:55am will need to be supervised by a parent/adult. We do not have staff supervision before 7:55am. Drop off time begins 15 minutes before the school day (8:10am).

Pick-up - Kindergarten (Regular Days at 1:40pm, Minimum Days at 12:05pm)

  • Parents will be allowed on campus at the end of the school day 1:40pm (12:05 am on minimum days).

  • Please remain outside the gates, until 1:40 pm (12:05pm on minimum days).

  • Parents will walk through the kindergarten gates at 1:40/12:05 and wait outside the classroom.

  • At 1:40/12:05 teachers will dismiss students to their parents.

  • All parents and students will need to leave campus as soon as you pick up your child.

Pick-up - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades (Regular Days at 2:45 pm, Minimum Days at 12:05 pm)

  • Teachers and/or staff members will walk students to the front gate and supervise students while being picked up.

  • Parents will remain outside the front gate and wait for students.

  • Parents and students are able to come onto campus after school. 

  • Note: If a student has an older sibling in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, the older sibling will pick up the younger sibling and walk to the grass area.

 3rd Grade Pick-up at 2:45 pm - 4th & 5th grade Pickup at 2:50 pm (Minimum Days at 12:05)

  • Parents will enter through Gate 3 (Montecito Gate) and wait on the field located behind rooms 19-21 and the play structure.

  • Teachers and/or staff members will walk students to the grass area to meet parents.

  • Students and parents are allowed to be on campus right after school.

Other Important pick up and drop off information

-Siblings: 1st and 2nd grade students will be picked up by their older sibling.

-Students attending Right at School or YMCA: Staff members will pick up students from their classrooms.

-Students are able to walk & bike to and from school. Please inform your classroom teacher and front office if your child will be walking or biking home on their own.

-No pets are allowed on campus while students are being dropped off and picked up.

Parking Lot Safety and Information

-Use the sidewalks. If you park on the street, please be sure to use the sidewalks to get to the school instead of cutting across the parking lot.

-The parking lot is designated for staff. Even if it appears empty, it is used by other school staff that need to come and go throughout the day.  They need to be able to quickly arrive on campus to service students. 

-There is no parking or drop off in the district parking lot on Montecito Avenue. It is reserved for District Office staff only.

-Please do not leave your car unattended during drop-off or pick-up.

School Meals Are Free

MVWSD will continue to provide free meals to all students in the 2022-23 school year.  Recess breakfast and lunches are available daily.  Menus and nutritional analysis can be found on https://www.mvwsd.org/nutrition. There will be a vegetarian option each day. Gluten-free lunches are not available. Students may bring their own self-contained lunches if desired. 

Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade parents will receive a survey each weekend to inform the classroom teacher which days of the week parents would like their child to have a snack at recess or lunch from the cafeteria.

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade students will inform their teacher each morning if they would like a snack or lunch. The teachers will then inform our child nutritionist.

Reporting Absences

Please call the office at (650) 903-6950 or email Kass Madrid at [email protected] and Renae Rhodes at [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival.  Provide the following information: Date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, your name, and relationship of the person reporting the absence.

Non-Returning Students

If you are not returning for the 2022-23 school year, please contact our school secretaries, Kass Madrid at [email protected] and Renae Rhodes at [email protected], or by phone 650-903-6950 as soon as possible. Please take a moment to reply ONLY if your children will NOT be attending Stevenson Elementary School. It will be a great help to our staff and other students and their families as we prepare for the 2022-23 school year.

After School Programs

Our school district partners with multiple programs to provide after-school care. Please visit this website to learn more about Right at School and YMCA.

Follow us now on Twitter and Instagram

- Twitter - @StevensonElem_

- Instagram - @stevenson__elementary

- Facebook - @StevensonElem




2022-2023 MVWSD School Calendar  

Wednesday, August 10th 

-First Day of School!

-Minimum Day - All School Dismissal at 12:05pm

-Parents Welcome Coffee @ 8:10am near tennis courts

-Parent University @ 5:30pm - Register here

Thursday, August 11th

-Minimum Day - All School Dismissal at 12:05pm

Friday, August 12th

-Regular Day schedule

8:10am - Start time

1:40pm - School ends for kindergartners

2:45pm - School ends for 1st-3rd grade students

2:50pm - School ends for 4th & 5th grade students

-Community Check-In with Superintendent Dr. Rudolph - Register here

Tuesday, August 16th

-i-Ready Testing begins for grades 1st-5th

Thursday, August 25th

-Back to school night at 6pm 




Board meeting Preview: August 12

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Aug. 12. Some of the meeting’s topics include:

  • Revisions to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

  • Learning Recovery Plan update

  • Community Facilities District Planning and Boundaries Options

Agenda and meeting details are here: http://mvw.sd/7cb3X. The meeting is also streamed on www.youtube.com/mvwsd.

Superintendent's Community Check In on Friday

Please join us for our Community Check-In with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph on Friday, Aug. 13 at 3:30 p.m. Bring your questions. Click here to register: http://mvw.sd/za0UY

Parent University: MVWSD District Orientation - What you need to know to be informed and connected this school year 

Tuesday, Aug. 17 at 5:30 p.m.     Registration Link: http://mvw.sd/pu081721

It’s a district “Back to School Night”! - an orientation to everything parents and caregivers need to know to kickoff the school year. A great reminder of the resources both the district and your individual schools have, as well as a thorough introduction for new families to the district. Who would you go to for help with the school meal application? How do you access information regarding your child’s assessments? Come and hear answers to these questions and more!

We encourage you to submit questions prior to the event: please click here

Bond Oversight committee seeks community representatives

MVWSD needs your expertise to support the Measure T bond program. The District is seeking a member at large and parent representative/PTA member to serve on the Bond Oversight Committee for the District's Measure T Bond Program.

Representatives monitor, provide oversight and ensure accountability to the funds received by the District, including an annual report to the Board regarding the actual uses of such funds.

Applications can be mailed to: Mountain View Whisman School District, Attn: Dr. Rebecca Westover, Chief Business Officer, 1400 Montecito Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043 or emailed to [email protected].

Link to Application: Bond Oversight Committee

For questions, please call Dr. Rebecca Westover at 650-526-3500.



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