Dear Stingray Parents and Guardians,
At Stevenson, our students and staff are a building and belonging community with grade level buddies. Over the first few days of school, lower grade classrooms partner with upper grade classrooms to have classroom buddies and build relationships. We want every student to feel a part of our Stingray community, and classroom buddies are a special way that students can connect with peers outside of their grade levels.
Ms. Clem and I continue to visit classrooms to focus on bucket filling! One of Stevenson’s core values is respect. Bucket Filling is a way to spread kindness and show respect to others. What is bucket filling? We all have an imaginary bucket. When we feel respected and valued, our imaginary buckets are full. At Stevenson, we are emphasizing the importance of our staff and students being bucket fillers to others, so we all feel cared for and a part of this amazing community!

Also, a friendly reminder that Back To School Night is next Thursday, August 25th at 6pm (in-person). Masks are required in the classrooms during the back to school night sessions. Please, see the school announcements for more details.
Ryan Santiago
Principal, Stevenson Elementary
-Back to School Night (In-Person)
-Parking Lot Safety
-i-Ready Diagnostics
-Water Bottles
-Reporting Absences and Tardies
-Follow us now on Twitter and Instagram
Back To School Night (In-Person) - Thursday, August 25th at 6:00pm (masks required)
We are excited to welcome and see our families at Back To School Night on Thursday, August 25th. There will be two sessions to accommodate families with multiple children and allow them the opportunity to visit more than one classroom.
Session #1: 6:00-6:55pm*
*During session #1 6:00-6:10pm, a video message from Principal Santiago, PACT Foundation, and MVEF will be presented.
Session #2: 7:00-7:45pm
-Mask are required when inside classrooms
Parking Lot Safety
We are excited to have all our Stingrays back at school and we want all our students to arrive for student drop and off and pick up safely. Here are some important updates and reminders to help keep the traffic flowing smoothly in the parking and for safe arrivals and dismissals.
Parents that would like to walk their child(ren) to class will need to park their car on the street. There is no parking in the drop-off and pick up zone.
Parents are to have their child school ready, so once the vehicle is in the drop off zone, students can leave the car without the parent getting out of the vehicle. We will have staff members assist in the drop off zone. This will help the flow of traffic move smoothly for morning drop off.
Please, only use the loading and unloading zone to drop-off and pick-up your child. The drop-off and pick-up area is located right in front of the office (sidewalk is marked yellow). This is the safest area to drop off your child. Please, do not drop off your child in front of parking spots (near the MUR) or by the tennis courts. Please wait until your vehicle is in the loading/unloading zone.
To help drop off go smoothly, please pull as far forward in the drop-off area so we can have more vehicles drop off their children.
Parking lot spaces are for staff only. Please do not park in the Stevenson and District Office parking lot. Parking is limited and we want to make sure that our teachers and staff are able to have a parking spot to be able to provide instruction and services to our students.
Please use the sidewalk and paths to drop off your child(ren). For the safety of our students and community, families are not to cut across the parking lot. There are many cars entering and exiting. Cutting across the parking lot is not safe. Please use the sidewalk and path to walk around.
Parent Volunteers and Staff are here to help. You will most likely notice parent volunteers and staff that are helping with the flow of traffic and providing friendly reminders to parents. Thank you in advance for listening and supporting their efforts to keep our parking lot safe.
i-Ready Diagnostics
This week, we began to provide i-Ready Diagnostic assessments to students in grades 1st-5th. Kindergarten will start the assessments the week of August 23rd. Students will be taking the i-Ready Diagnostic assessment for ELA and Math at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. The data from these assessments gives our teachers and parents insight on each students’ academic progress. We look forward to working together to help each student grow.
Water Bottles
These next few days will be extremely hot, please send your student with a water bottle. The water fountains on campus are on in case students forget a water bottle. Students who bring a bottle may use this station to refill their bottles as needed.
Reporting Absences
Please call the office at: (650) 903-6950 or email Kass Madrid at [email protected] and Renae Rhodes at [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival. Provide the following information: Date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, your name, and relationship to the student
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
- Twitter - @StevensonElem_
- Instagram - @stevenson__elementary
- Facebook - @StevensonElem
Committee Fair
We are excited to announce an IN-PERSON Committee Fair this Friday, August 19 from 7:55- 8:30am in front of the school. Drop your kids off and then come learn about the amazing committees that support our students, school, and community. Leads or members of our committees will be there to answer your questions and help you find the Stevenson PACT committee that is right for you. It takes many hands to make our school the amazing place of learning that it is. Come and find out how you can help!
If you would like to learn more or narrow down your committee list, please see this video from 2020-2021 to learn more about your options. Some of the contact information is outdated. You can see current leads by going to the Konstella directory and browsing committees or read about the committees here.
REMINDER: Join Your Class Group on Konstella
If you haven’t already, please join your classroom(s) on Konstella to receive class messages, share photos, sign-ups, and more.
From the web, select your name/picture in the upper left corner > Your Children > Join Classroom
From the app, select the settings icon in the upper left corner > Your Children > ...
Parents in the "New Parents 2022-23" classroom - stay connected by joining the "New to PACT" social group.
From the web, select Social Groups (on the left in green) > New to PACT (Join)
From the app, select Messages > Find your group > Type "New" > Join Social Groups > ...
2022-2023 MVWSD School Calendar
Thursday, August 18th
-Board of Trustee Meeting @ 6pm - Register here
Thursday, August 25th
-Back to School Night (In-Person) @ 6pm
Monday, September 5th
-Labor Day - No school
Board meeting preview: Aug. 18
The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Aug. 18 at 6 p.m.
Topics for this meeting include: Safety; Vargas Trees Replacement Project; Future Growth Considerations and Solutions; and Update on COVID-19 Procedures
For meeting details and agenda, please click here: mvwsd.org/trustees.
School meals are free, but fill out the EzSchool Meals application to help your school
MVWSD will continue to provide free meals to all students as part of California’s universal meal program. Breakfast and lunches are available daily.
We ask you to please Apply at EzSchool Meals to help MVWSD receive additional funding to support students who are in need, and may help your family.
This Free and Reduced Price Meals benefit is not limited to meals only. If your child is eligible for free and/or reduced-price meals, your family could get medical benefits, housing benefits, utilities benefits and more.
Students who qualify for free and/or reduced-price meals may be eligible for P-EBT cards. The more applications your school gathers at the start of each school year, the more additional funding it can receive for all kinds of programs that help children at your school.
If you are currently out of work, you may qualify and help your school, regardless of your financial situation. Apply at https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ or call your school office.
Last Call: District Equity Advisory Committee
Help us continue the great work of making MVWSD a more equitable and inclusive community. Committee members will engage in meaningful dialogue and provide feedback to the superintendent and designees about the future of this work in the district. Offer your voice at our virtual meetings. You are welcome here! Our first meeting will be held virtually on Monday, September 12th. To join the committee roster to be informed of meeting dates and links, complete the form linked below:
Why MVEF Matters
Thanks to financial support from parents like you, the Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF) ensures your child will have access to a competitive, well-rounded education that would not be possible without this additional funding. MVEF is a volunteer-driven, non-profit that raises funds to bring essential programs to all Mountain View Whisman School District schools. State and local school funding is not enough. School funding supports salaries, facilities, and core academic programs that meet state standards. MVEF funding creates the well-rounded, robust learning environment that our kids deserve including art, music, hands-on environmental science programs from Living Classroom and Environmental Volunteers, and middle school athletics and English Language Arts teachers. Please see the website at mvef.org for more information and to donate online.
August/September CAC Events
Happy Back to School! SELPA 1 CAC and the Learning Challenge Committee are your groups for special education and broader learning challenge needs. We are ALL having learning challenges right now, and CAC and LCC are here to help. If you have questions about learning challenges and special education needs, email [email protected] or check out www.selpa1cac.org
We encourage families to learn about the sensory needs all children: Try a Sensory Diet
August 29, 9 am- General Parent/Community Meeting with Special Ed. Directors & Staff, Zoom at 9:00 am for LCC and 9:30 am for CAC. We will be planning for the year, discussing upcoming programs and discussing distance learning and learning challenges. For our agenda, please join our Google group, https://groups.google.com/g/selpa1cac. Register here.
September 14, 10 am Morning Let’s Talk - IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register here.